"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10 : 31
Extending the Tamil Christian legacy in USA and provide an environment for Tamil speaking community and the next generation to grow healthy in their spiritual journey, and provide them support through Christ centered fellowship and continuously engage in sharing blessings to others.
Meaningful Services
Gather all Tamil people who reside in the state of Arizona to come together as a holy group and participate in meaningful services that mend and replenish the heart, soul and mind.
Practice interdenominational worship services that serves people who were brought up in different backgrounds.
Focus worship services on the fallen human nature and providing an opportunity for the congregants for the forgiveness of sins.
Christ-centered Fellowship
Show unity in Christ in every action that is taken whenever we gather for fellowship.
Demonstrate that the church is one body of Christ and community of Faith.
Provide comfort, support, love and care for newcomers.
Next Generation
Prepare children with Bible based teachings.
Provide a safe environment for children to grow in Christ and also commune with others within the church community.
Provide opportunities for next generation according to their talents to glorify God in church and outside activities.
Sharing the Blessings
Engage in supporting missionaries and missions in India and other places.
Involve in external and internal evangelism for those who are marginal in faith.
Collaborate with other local churches in the upliftment of poor and needy.

AZTC was started in May 2015 through the divine providence of God in His appointed time. Rev. Dr. Prince Vethamonickam was instrumental in starting the church along with members of the congregation. Rev. Dr. Prince Vethamonickam identified and arranged a place for AZTC to conduct monthly worship services and he had also conducted the very first AZTC worship service in tamil. The church continues to regularly meet for worship. AZTC is an inter-denominational church that belongs to God and the local Tamil congregants are the stewards of the church.
We believe The Bible is the Word of God; the handbook for our daily lives.
We believe in one God existing in three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Prayer has the power to change lives and guide our daily living.
We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of Virgin Mary, died on the cross and resurrected on the third day. We believe in His ascension into Heaven and will come again.
We believe that Christ instituted the sacrament of baptism and communion.
We believe the church is the body of Christ.